

The Department of Anatomy, Biochemistry & Physiology (ABP) provides medical students with a basic understanding of the structure of the human body at all levels of organization from the subcellular level through tissues, organs, and gross relationships of organ systems.

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XR 3D Anatomy Model 
Anatomy Fund (#120-2110-4)

Our mission at JABSOM is to educate current and future healthcare professionals and leaders.  During premedical rotation at the Kakaako campus – 1st and 2nd year, the medical students establish their fundamental foundation for medicine.  Gross anatomy is essential in not only medical education for the medical students but also medical training for physicians and other healthcare workers.  They learn gross anatomy of the entire body through gross anatomical dissection of human cadavers, or silent teachers to which they are referred in our program, in the gross anatomy lab at our department.  Sufficient budget is required to maintain the quality of medical education and training in the gross anatomy at JABSOM.



IBR LogoInstitute for Biogenesis Research (IBR) Research Support (#126-1490-4)

The IBR was founded in 2000 as a center for developmental and reproductive biology.  The IBR has grown from three initial faculty to 14, has brought in more than $58 million in extramural research funding, and has expanded to include other departments at UH, including Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health.  We have become an internationally recognized center for reproductive biology.



Student researchers at JABSOMVincent De Feo Memorial  (#127-5290-4)

Support junior researchers in the department and graduate students in Developmental and Reproductive Biology (DRB) for their career development such as travel and registration fees to attend academic meetings.




LeiWilled Body Program (#125-7860-4)

The Body Donation Program at the University of Hawaiʻi, John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM), is committed to excellence in research and education. While the primary focus of the Willed Body Program is to obtain the human cadaver for educational and scientific study, we strive to administer our program in a way consistent with the spirit of the good physician. In our contact with donors registering with the Willed Body Program or with the families of the donor we provide service that is compassionate as well as competent.


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